Adventure Journal

Session 25

This is an edited version of the uncut chat log.

[Referee]: You are standing on the poop deck surrounded by a dozen fierce looking sailors armed with cutlasses. One of them shouts, "Quiénes son usted y cuáles son usted que hace en mi nave?"

[Valennor]: "Eh?"

[Referee]: When nobody says anything, he shouts again, "Entrega o usted matarán." Then, realizing that you don't speak their language, another, taller man behind the first says, "You men, surrender or you will be killed."

[Bartley]: (pig Latin...)

[Narwick]: "us... killed? please my foolish friend. we can't be killed!"

[Valennor]: "You try that." I add

[Narwick]: should we surrender?

[Valennor]: "What are you people about?"

[Bartley]: Or you could surrender like you said... Bartley adds.

[Referee]: "About?!" shouts the tall man, "maybe we should ask you! What are you doing on our ship?"

[Valennor]: "What is your business I say pirates?"

[Narwick]: we are getting a free ride to Cancun

[Valennor]: "Ahh, yes, we uh, followed you dogs from your bloody deeds on the coast."

[Bartley]: "Alright I confesses... we're commandeering your ship""

[Narwick]: yeah

[Narwick]: avast!!!!!

[Bartley]: "Now leave."

[Valennor]: "That's right, unless you convince us otherwise."

[Referee]: "Your from the coast? Then you must be in league with those black sorcerers!"

[Narwick]: ?what

[Narwick]: we are trying to catch the black sorcerpeople

[Bartley]: "Which? The black ones?"

[Valennor]: "You were the one's who cut out the hearts...? Right?"

[Valennor]: "Wait."

[Referee]: "Those were brave men we had to sacrifice to escape, don't profane their memories!"

[Narwick]: hmmm....truly?

[Valennor]: "Very interesting

[Valennor]: your rationalization."

[Bartley]: "Who ARE the black sorcerers?"

[Valennor]: "To escape what?"

[Bartley]: I'm talking...

[Narwick]: sit let us talk....

[Valennor]: let's not sit

[Referee]: "I'm not going to stand here and explain everything," said the tall man

[Referee]: "Now I repeat, throw down your weapons, or we'll have to kill you!"

[Narwick]: we might could help you

[Narwick]: or you help us

[Valennor]: "Freakish request. Very well."

[Narwick]: or we help each other

[Referee]: "Help? Like you helped poor Ustlan take his head off?"

[Narwick]: who?

[Referee]: "I think not!! Drop your weapons!"

[Valennor]: "You barbarians better explain yourselves well! Or I take back up my sword."

[Narwick]: NEVER!!!!!!!

[Valennor]: do it

[Valennor]: *Valennor nudges Narwick*

[Bartley]: (Ref, did these pirates attack the castle we were at, that we've been chasing?? I can't remember.)

[Referee]: (Yes, they did)

[Valennor]: "Screw that, we can take you if need be, explain yourselves."

[Bartley]: (Ok let get them.)

[Narwick]: i will never drop my weapon upon the pain of death... and even when i die you will have to peal my dead lifeless fingers from the hilt of my sward

[Narwick]: (my monologue)

[Bartley]: The gauntlet has been thrown.

[Referee]: Suddenly you hear a gravelly voice from behind the group of sailors, "Captain Bacala, is there a problem?"

[Narwick]: ..........

[Narwick]: "um no" i answer

[Narwick]: (didn't we kill the captain?)

[Valennor]: (guys, this guy is freakish dangerous sounding... type!)

[Referee]: (you killed the guy piloting the ship)

[Narwick]: ah

[Valennor]: right

[Referee]: (and the boatswain, Ustlan)

[Narwick]: right

[Bartley]: (right, we helped him remove his head)

[Valennor]: ha, right

[Referee]: You see a goblin wearing purple robes stepping up onto the deck from the stairs.

[Referee]: The robes are marked with symbols of stars and the two moons.

[Referee]: The captain says something the the goblin, who laughs.

[Narwick]: uh oh

[Narwick]: i don't like that laugh

[Referee]: The sailors surrounding you start to look more menacing (if that was possible).

[Valennor]: "State your reason for attacking the castle back there..."

[Valennor]: "That's our question."

[Referee]: Bartley mutters the spell under his breath... and he begins to sense the lines of magic as visible auras. The goblin glows strongly... indicating he is a wizard.

[Valennor]: shoot

[Narwick]: i told you

[Bartley]: oh boy...

[Valennor]: "What Black Wizards do you speak of, and what were your motives for attacking the castle we were staying in?"

[Referee]: "You would like to know that wouldn't you," says the goblin, "the Black Wizards are, of course, the elves that have allied themselves with the humans. By their meddling, they have become our enemies."

[Bartley]: "In that case, I'm the worst black wizard you'll ever meet!!!!"

[Narwick]: (what should we do?)

[Valennor]: then we will kill them

[Narwick]: i will fire my crossbow at the head of the goblin

[Valennor]: I will draw everyone else's attention with a dive into them, twirling my sword!

[Referee]: Narwick whips out his crossbow and fires at the goblin. The bolt hits him in the shoulder!

[Narwick]: hmmm... not good

[Referee]: Valennor sweeps his sword at the nearest sailor

[Referee]: The sailor is surprised and the sword cuts him across his chest.

[Valennor]: (is he dead?)

[Referee]: Two other sailors come to his rescue and swing at Valennor

[Referee]: (no, not dead, only wounded)

[Bartley]: (When it's my turn I will cast a 3 point stone missile the whole group.)

[Referee]: Zounds! Bartley's stone missile goes haywire and burns his hand!

[Bartley]: what???

[Narwick]: meanwhile (as barley takes his turn) i drop my crossbow and pull out my short sword

[Valennor]: I'll dive away, then up I'll up and at em with my bow as Narwick plows for me

[Referee]: Narwick has switch to a sword, Valennor to a bow

[Valennor]: twang

[Referee]: a sailor charges Narwick...

[Narwick]: "try me you villainous pig spawn"

[Referee]: their swords clash... but neither can get in a blow

[Valennor]: I'll hit the captain Bacala

[Referee]: another sailor charges Valennor, swing his sword, which glows red in the sunset.

[Valennor]: NO!

[Valennor]: I'll hit him point blank range

[Valennor]: THOK!

[Referee]: The arrow hits him in the chest

[Valennor]: ha

[Valennor]: Joel, you get the gobbie

[Valennor]: although, that is a worthy thought

[Referee]: the sailor with the arrow falls in pain, dropping his sword

[Bartley]: (what can I do with "shatter" spell? Can I shatter their weapons?)

[Referee]: (You can try to shatter weapons)

[Valennor]: that would be great

[Valennor]: then we could hammer the goblin

[Bartley]: Level 13, I will try to shatter the sword of the guy swinging at Valennor

[Valennor]: he's down!

[Valennor]: I shot him

[Bartley]: wait, never mind that one...

[Referee]: (maybe the one sparring with Narwick)

[Bartley]: do that to the nearest threat

[Bartley]: yeah, that'll work... how many can I do?

[Referee]: two swords shatter with a loud sound... the one facing Narwick panics

[Narwick]: I lop at his head

[Referee]: Narwick swings at the man's head, but he ducks!

[Valennor]: I'll shoot the goblin

[Referee]: the goblin has disappeared...

[Bartley]: No! Where too?

[Narwick]: never mind

[Valennor]: I'll shoot the captain then!

[Referee]: Valennor's arrow hits the captain in the sword arm

[Referee]: he drops his sword and grabs his arm in pain

[Valennor]: ho ho

[Referee]: 10 sailors are left

[Valennor]: woah now!

[Bartley]: Woa!

[Valennor]: Fight time!

[Narwick]: YIKES

[Referee]: one charges Bartley

[Bartley]: knife time!

[Valennor]: no!

[Valennor]: stone him!

[Bartley]: why?

[Bartley]: don't stone missiles take longer?

[Valennor]: you're terrible with a knife

[Bartley]: ok, judo time...

[Valennor]: I'll chop the guy for him

[Referee]: Bartley chants quickly, and the sailors sword shatters (2 umana)

[Bartley]: yes!

[Referee]: meanwhile Narwick swings lower...

[Referee]: but hits the mans shoulder. Still, he tumbles to the deck.

[Narwick]: (do i cut off his arm?)

[Referee]: (no, didn't cut the arm off)

[Narwick]: sigh

[Valennor]: I'll put the bow on my back, get my sword, and face the closest pirate to stab him in the chest

[Referee]: while Valennor is putting the bow away, a sailor swings with his cutlass... hitting Valennor in the head!

[Valennor]: AHH!

[Valennor]: GAAHH!

[Referee]: (did you have a helmet?)

[Bartley]: ouch time...

[Valennor]: I don't think so

[Valennor]: my poor head!

[Referee]: (uh oh)

[Valennor]: (you darn narrator! you can't swing for character's heads!)

[Narwick]: lol

[Valennor]: well, maybe

[Narwick]: ill wear a tie to your funeral

[Valennor]: you sicko

[Valennor]: I'll kill him yet

[Narwick]: what as a ghost?

[Bartley]: no! I can cast "lend health"...and/or minor healing

[Valennor]: PLEASE

[Referee]: (Valennor takes 12 points of damage to the brain)

[Valennor]: that is sick

[Valennor]: my health is 11

[Valennor]: no, ten!

[Valennor]: agh!

[Referee]: well, Valennor is knocked unconscious by the blow

[Referee]: (rolling to stay alive... you make an 8)

[Valennor]: do I make it?

[Referee]: (yes, your health is 10)

[Valennor]: ok, get my bod on the carpet and let's fly around and toast this ship like Joel suggests

[Valennor]: whew

[Valennor]: that was so close

[Narwick]: I'm going to pull out my bell and summon the bell wraith to kill the dudes

[Valennor]: woah

[Narwick]: (is that possible?)

[Referee]: well, Narwick will have to dodge the two sailors first...

[Narwick]: ok

[Bartley]: (Ref, are we looking for something on the ship, or just look for the baddies that attacked the castle... or we trying to find out who they are? once again, i forget...)

[Referee]: (you were trying to find out who they were and where they were from)

[Referee]: unfortunately Narwick is feeling sluggish and can't dodge his attackers, he must parry furiously to avoid being cut to pieces

[Referee]: he parries the first sword, but misses the second!

[Referee]: he's cut in the chest... (2 points)

[Bartley]: (Ok, I'll cast minor healing on Valennor, and maybe Narwick too...)

[Referee]: Bartley begins to chant his healing spell...

[Referee]: the bleeding from Valennor's head stops, but he's still unconscious

[Valennor]: rats and good

[Referee]: from behind, a sailor swings at Bartley with a vicious cut across the back.

[Bartley]: oh no!

[Narwick]: (does my bell wraith show up yet)

[Referee]: (you haven't had a chance to ring the bell)

[Referee]: Do you decide to ring the bell instead of parry the two sailors attacking?

[Narwick]: no

[Narwick]: ill killem

[Referee]: okay...

[Referee]: Narwick stabs and slashes, catching both off guard

[Bartley]: If I live, I'll create an illusion of a horrible sea monster coming right at them...

[Referee]: you cut one's arm, almost off. the other is slashed across the chest

[Bartley]: that should give Narwick a couple seconds to ring the bell...

[Referee]: The sailor misses Bartley from behind

[Bartley]: Illusion time.

[Referee]: the illusion is created. the water stirs ominously

[Referee]: a terrifying monster appears... (everyone rolls for panic)

[Narwick]: do i?

[Bartley]: 8-)

[Bartley]: this is fun

[Narwick]: ring ring

[Referee]: Narwick, who was ringing his bell, didn't expect to see a sea monster appear, and panics

[Referee]: he joins the nine other men panicking and racing away down the deck of the ship

[Bartley]: ho ho ha :-D

[Referee]: suddenly the wraith appears and stands beside Bartley... drooling

[Narwick]: what does he say...(is he on our team)

[Valennor]: if he gets me you die next

[Narwick]: i say if he destroys the boats he can have all the sailors for his sacrifice

[Narwick]: but not my friends(barley and val)

[Bartley]: "Ok Mr. Wraith, it's lunch time. Eat everyone except Narwick, Valennor and myself"

[Referee]: too bad Narwick was running away, he could have told the wraith who to take

[Referee]: instead the wraith thinks Bartley looks particularly juicy

[Bartley]: Narwick!!!!!

[Bartley]: Help!!!

[Bartley]: I've got a hungry wraith here!!

[Narwick]: that if he destroys all the ships he can have the sailors as his sacrifice

[Narwick]: his meal... his infatuation

[Referee]: Narwick can return, but Bartley must figure out a way to delay the wraith until Narwick gets back

[Bartley]: So we don't know if the wraith gets me or not??!

[Referee]: cliff hanger

[Bartley]: Ugh!!!!

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