Adventure Journal

Session 27

See the unedited version.

Bartley (enter): 18:50
Narwick (enter): 18:50
Ref: one down two to go
Ref: one to go
Valennoryeah, I'm in...
Ref: everyone here now?
Narwick[1d100] -> [45] = (45)
Ref: do you see the map to the right?
Valennoryou mean above?
Ref: uh... sure!
Ref: mine's to the right
Valennorwe just found our character sheets
Ref: anyway... everyone remember what happended last time?
Valennorsorta, we were in a town looking for our weapons
Valennorafter coming off a ship we followed
Bartleydid we wreck?
Valennorwe saved the elf girl and now are chasing bad guys threatening her kingdom... I think!
Ref: and after bording the ship
Bartleywhat elf girl?
Narwickuh huh
Ref: you were attacked by a villanous goblin
ValennorSam woke her up with a kiss or something
Ref: and his band of pirates
Valennoryeah remember that
Bartleybut she wasn't an elf I don't recall...
Ref: no... not an elf
Ref: frends with an elf
Valennoroh, ok
Bartleythat's what I thought
Ref: so... on the map, the place I circled is where you are currently...
Ref: on a little island that has been taken over by pirates
Ref: you have just escaped from a prison after learning that you were to be the morning sacrifice
Valennorand we are currently item and weaponless
Ref: the man you were imprisoned with, ...
Ref: Thared was his name I thnk
ValennorI thnk so too
Ref: he told you that the locals like to sacrifice the hearts of their victims
ValennorI guess
Valennorlike the dockyard men...
BartleyNot for the faint of heart...
Narwickeigh men..let us be glad we are not faint of heart
Ref: ok... let me load the new map...
sam (enter): 19:00
Ref: did that work for everyone?
RefBooting '(3) Narwick' from server...
Narwick (exit): 19:01
Ref: ok
Valennorgood job, sam is messing around
Ref: you are in the village at the center of the map
Ref: it is night
Valennorso I see
Ref: you can hear sounds near the center of the village and down by the boats
Narwicklets killl us some PIRATES
ting our demise I'll bet"

** Narwick frowns **
** Bartley says "lighten up already!" **
** Valennor kk **
** Bartley says "It's really not that complicated..." **
** Narwick says ok **
Ref: what now?
BartleySo we still don't have our stuff??
Narwicklets creep over and instigate a riot
Ref: you're remember that the other prisoner, Thared, mentioned that the goblin, Driago by name, stays in a hut near here
Valennorno, let's find our weapons
Ref: you already found them
Ref: in an armory.
Valennoroh, whoops
Ref: plus someone found a shield.
Ref: I'll check
ValennorBartley, light my arrow and I'll send it in the mage's roof!
BartleyRight, so that's where we actually left off last time...
Valennorthat would start a riot!
BartleyOk. I can do a create fire spell.
Narwickgood idea!!!!
** Narwick dances a small jig **
** Bartley chants the enchantment **
Valennorthat'll work....maybe
Ref: very well... you may roll your dice
Bartleywhich die?
Ref: uh... use the create fire spell in your character sheet
Bartleyyup, which die do I roll...
BartleyIvan and I don't have our OpenRPG character sheets.
BartleyOnly Sam does
Valennorwe found the actual papers, only sam has his character abilities loaded...
Ref: hmmm
Narwickhe he
Valennorhow do we load ours?
BartleyHow do we get those back?
Ref: do you have them now?
BartleySpells: Create Fire [3d6] -> [2,3,3] = (8) vs 14
Narwickyup they do
Ref: success.. the arrow is lit
BartleyThat is too cool!
ValennorCombat Skills: Bow [3d6] -> [1,1,5] = (7) vs 14
Valennorsuccess again
Valennorthat rocks
Ref: Narwick fires his arrow into the hut where the noise is coming from...
Valennorprobably the main hall
Narwicki pull out my crossbow
Ref: shouts ring out in the night
** Narwick wispers hide **
** Valennor says "yeah" **
Ref: commotion rises as the roof catches fire and litghts the whole area
** Bartley pulls out his bow too. **
BartleyNot that he is any good...
Ref: men come running from the beached boats carrying buckets
** Narwick pulls out his crossbow and prepares it for battle **
Valennordo we slaugter them or make the our subjects?
Valennorevil man
ValennorI say kill the mage and try to subdue the crowd
Ref: someone runs by very close
Ref: to where you are hiding
Valennorkill everyone armed
BartleyThey're pirates anyway...
Narwickcan i shoot at someone/
Ref: sure
Ref: there's a man filling his bucket at the well
NarwickCombat Skills: Crossbow [3d6] -> [3,3,5] = (11) vs 15
** Valennor joins them in dousing the fire with buckets!! **
Narwickat the dude filling his bucket
BartleySo what is the results of these endevours?
Valennor'me will disguise himself to backstab the mage!
Ref: Narwick's bolt hits the man in the chest, below the arm
Valennorcan I REF?
Ref: he drops his bucket into the well... and staggers
ValennorI'll get his bucket
whispering to Ref, [1d6+3] -> [3,3] = (6) 
whispering to Ref, [3d6] -> [3,3,6] = (12) 
Valennorcan I disguise myself with his clothes with a roll?
** Narwick loads up and prepares to fire again! **
Ref: the bucket is in the well now.
Valennoroh yeah...
Bartley (whispering): See?
ValennorI'll get his clothes and push him in the well
Ref: he's not dead yet!
Ref: just thrashing around... almost well enough to go for a walk!
Narwickthats why ima shoot him again
Ref: who's next?
** Bartley takes out his knife and finishes off the guy Valennor is try to kill... **
BartleyCombat Skills: Knife [3d6] -> [1,1,6] = (8) vs 12
ValennorJoel, kill the dude and I'll take his stuff and join in to hopefully get an advantage
Ref: he's dead
whispering to Ref, [1d6] -> [2] = (2) 
ValennorI'll take his clothes and look like a Pirate!
ValennorNon-Combat Skills: Disguise [3d6] -> [6,3,4] = (13) vs 12
Valennoroh no!
Bartley (whispering): I guess you just don't look like a pirate..
Valennorstupid fogey
Bartley (whispering): i
BartleyI'll stop whispering to the Ref...
Ref: the blood on the pirates clothes are too obvious
whispering to Bartley, thanks 
Valennorlemme see, any ideas?
whispering to Bartley,  
BartleyYeah, you can't look dead Valennor
Narwicki say we run in there slashing
BartleyYou first...
** Narwick pulls out short sword **
ValennorI'll find the nearest non flaming building to set myself up to be an archer
Ref: but the pirate had a short sword in a sheath by his side
whispering to Ref, [1d6-1] -> [2,-1] = (1) 
Narwickwhat does that mean
Valennorcan I climb a close building?
Ref: and a gold coin in his pocket
BartleyThat's mine...
Ref: sure, you can climb
Valennoron a close building
Valennordo I use dexterity?
Ref: yup
ValennorContest of Stat: [3d6] -> [2,3,4] = (9) vs DX of 12
ValennorI'm up
Ref: you're up
Narwicki'm gonna run into the riot and slash at the first person i see
whispering to Valennor, you can see the men gathered around the burning roof 
BartleyI'll cover you
** Narwick runs and slashes **
NarwickCombat Skills: Crossbow [3d6] -> [5,4,6] = (15) vs 15
Ref: roll your battle skill too
Narwickoops wrong one
NarwickCombat Skills: Shortsword [3d6] -> [1,1,5] = (7) vs 14
Narwickthere we go
** Valennor shouts "Play nicely." **
** Bartley gets a stone missle ready. 3 pointer **
Valennorthey will pay for plotting our demise /me sets an arrow
Ref: Narwick charges into the group slashing and cutting
** Valennor sets an arrow **
BartleySpells: Stone Missile [3d6] -> [4,3,6] = (13) vs 16
BartleyCombat Skills: Spell Throwing [3d6] -> [3,6,2] = (11) vs 11
BartleyThat was close. I'm throwing at the first bad guy I see...
Narwickdid i hit
whispering to Ref, [1d6] -> [6] = (6) 
Bartley11 vs 11?
Bartley (whispering): thanks
Ref: six pirates fall under Narwicks flashing sword!
Ref: Bartley blasts the first that turns to look
ValennorI'll scout for the mage
ValennorContest of Stat: [3d6] -> [1,5,5] = (11) vs Vision of 13
Ref: knocking down another that is behind him!
whispering to Valennor, You see the goblin reading a book in the next building 
Valennornicely done Bartley
Valennor (whispering): I'll snipe for his head if I can
Valennor (whispering): can I?
whispering to Valennor, -4 to hit! 
Valennor (whispering): dang, hold on
Ref: 4 menacing pirates confront Narwick!
Valennorhow do I do that ref?
** Narwick grins and gets rady to fight! **
whispering to Valennor, just roll normally and I'll subtract it in my head. 
Valennor (whispering): kk
Ref: Pirate Skills: Broadsword (14): [3d6] -> [3,2,6] = (11)
ValennorCombat Skills: Bow [3d6] -> [4,2,6] = (12) vs 14
Ref: Valennor shoots a house!
Narwickdid he hit me?
Valennorlucky me!
ValennorI'll help Narwick clear his crowd
Narwick (whispering): am i ok
ValennorI'll loose an arrow on my turn
Ref: Narwick needs to parry
Valennorgo Joel
ValennorI mean Narwick
NarwickDefense Roll: PD+DR+Parry or Dodge
Valennor (whispering): don't kick too high, your pants are tight
Ref: umm...
Narwickdid i do it right
ValennorI meant that for DOM
Ref: nope
Ref: let's see...
Ref: you need [3d6] -> [4,4,5] = (13) vs Parry of 8
Ref: :->
Ref: *evil grin*
Narwicki didn't parry did i?
Ref: do you want to roll yourself???
Valennorno joke
Narwick[3d6] -> [4,5,5] = (14)
Ref: just type in the first part before the ->
Ref: oh... that's worse!
** Ref grins evily **
Ref: Weapon Damage: Cutlas [1d6+1] -> [2,1] = (3)
Valennornot too bad
Narwickand what happens to me?
Ref: Narwick flinches at the cut... he's down to 5 points of health
Narwickok i'm fine
Narwickill strike back
Valennornot really
Bartley5 points doesn't sound fine to me
BartleyWhat's left?
Ref: you'll strike back after B goes
Ref: the four menacing pirates
Ref: are left
BartleyOk, I'll stone missle them. 3 point
BartleySpells: Stone Missile [3d6] -> [2,3,6] = (11) vs 16
BartleyCombat Skills: Spell Throwing [3d6] -> [1,2,5] = (8) vs 11
Valennorhow is the town hall (or whatever) doing?
Ref: bartley's hand glows... and his aim is sure
Ref: (the roof has been doused with enough water to make it only smolder now)
Ref: [3d6] -> [4,3,3] = (10) vs pirate (10)
** Valennor spats annoyance **
Ref: the pirate is splattered against the wall...
** Bartley suggests fire-balling it. Any takers? **
BartleyOh goodie
** Valennor sets an arrow to shoot a pirate near Narwick **
Ref: Narwick's turn to attack or parry... then V
NarwickCombat Skills: Shortsword [3d6] -> [6,3,4] = (13) vs 14
** Valennor likes the idea of flaming the town hall **
Ref: Pirate Skills: Parry (7) [3d6] -> [1,3,5] = (9)
Narwickgotcha dude
whispering to Unknown!, what did you use? 
Narwick Unknown!
Narwick (whispering): how do i do damage
whispering to Narwick, what did you use? 
Narwick (whispering): a short sword
whispering to Narwick, then roll 1d6 
Narwick[1d6] -> [5] = (5)
Ref: Narwick impales the pirate!
Narwicki suppose i gave him 5 points of dammage
Narwickha ha
Ref: he grabs his chest and misses his chance to attack
Ref: Valennor
Ref: ?
Valennorvery nice 
** Valennor looses an arrow at the next Pirate **
ValennorCombat Skills: Bow [3d6] -> [3,5,2] = (10) vs 14
Ref: Pirate Skills: Dodge (5) [3d6] -> [5,1,5] = (11)
Narwickdude cant move
Ref: The pirate dodged... he's a tricky one!
Valennorwoah now
Narwickhow did he dodge?
Ref: He said the next pirate... did he mean the wounded one?
ValennorI didn't get the roll
Ref: okay then the other one hasn't had a turn
Ref: and can try to dodge
Ref: which he did... Bartley's turn
** Bartley will take out his bow and shoot at the guy that just dodged **
Ref: ok!
BartleyCombat Skills: Bow [3d6] -> [2,2,5] = (9) vs 10
Valennordang Bartley
Valennornot too shabby
Bartleynener nener
Ref: thunk.... the pirate dodged one arrow and right into another!
Ref: [1d6+1] -> [3,1] = (4)
Ref: of damage was done...
Ref: the man hollers
** Valennor mutters "I would too." **
Ref: valennor hears a crackling sound coming from the next house over...
Valennoroh boy
Narwickuh oh
Valennor (whispering): can I take cover?
Ref: Bzzap... [3d6] -> [5,5,4] = (14) vs 18... a bolt of lighting shoots out of the window!
Valennor (whispering): I mean duck?
Ref: you can try a dodge of 3d6 vs 6
Valennor[3d6] -> [2,3,6] = (11)
Ref: uh oh
** Ref grins evilly **
ValennorI HATE goblins
whispering to Ref, [2d6] -> [4,4] = (8) 
Ref: Valennor is knocked back, and slides off the roof... thump!
Bartleybzz bzzzz
Ref: the ground spins... no it's his head... or his.. his... *thunk* he blacks out
Valennorbut I pop up.......!
Ref: valennor lays unconscious on the ground
Valennorthat's not right
** Ref thinks Valennor needs first aid **
Bartleythat's right, now you can't call nobody names!
ValennorI already apologized!
ValennorI can't be the hero every time
** Thared creeps up to Valennor **
Valennorcan I roll for consciousness?
** Thared waves his hand and chants **
Narwickok help him/ i'll ward off all these dudes
Valennordid Thared help us earlier?
Ref: Valennor feels fire creeping up his spine!
Valennorno, we helped him... I dunno
Narwick (whispering): my turn yet?
whispering to Narwick, not yet 
Narwick (whispering): ok
Valennor (whispering): is my health low?
BartleyWhose turn?
Ref: a blast of light explodes from Valennor's
in and out his eyes... leaving him feeling...

Ref: better?
Valennor (whispering): who is Thared again?
Ref: much better
whispering to Valennor, a cleric 
ValennorAlright, BROADSWORD time!
** Valennor pats Thared on the shoulder gratefully **
Ref: Bartley's turn I think
** Narwick sings "KILL THE BEAST, KILL THE BEAST" **
Ref: "Die you pagan
tes!" yells the tall man yanking the arrow out of his chest!

** The Man hefts a large axe **
Valennor*tough dude!*
** Bartley shall throw a fireball in the direction the lightning came from.... **
BartleySpells: Fireball [3d6] -> [3,2,2] = (7) vs 14
BartleyCombat Skills: Spell Throwing [3d6] -> [1,1,3] = (5) vs 11
Ref: whoosh goes the fireball
Ref: *BLAM*
Ref: the whole house explodes in flame!
Narwickmy turn my turn!
Bartleyburn baby burn!
Ref: ok
Valennorpick me, pick me!
Ref: Narwick
Narwicki'ma stab the dude with the axe
NarwickCombat Skills: Shortsword [3d6] -> [5,4,4] = (13) vs 14
Ref: Pirate Skills: Parry (7) [3d6] -> [1,1,5] = (7)
BartleyNarwick is a stabina the dudea with the axea
Narwickdid it work?
Ref: Nar
Ref: Narwick manages to slide his sword past the man's defenses and nick him in the chin!
BartleyNow he has a double chin!
Narwickyou need to shave buddy!
Ref: "I'll shave your head!" roars the pirate!
Valennorno, a half one
Narwick! TRY!!!!
Ref: Pirate Skills: Broadsword (14): [3d6] -> [4,1,3] = (8)
Valennor (whispering): my turn? I'll get out my broadsword
whispering to Narwick, roll parry vs 8 
Narwick (whispering): could i die with this now?
Narwick (whispering): how
whispering to Narwick, do 3d6 vs 8 
whispering to Narwick, the 3d6 in
ckets of course

whispering to Valennor, you're still a way's away... and will need to run to the combat 
Ref: okay narwick
Narwick[3d6] -> [4,5,2] = (11)
Ref: ouch
Ref: Weapon Damage: Cutlas [1d6+1] -> [1,1] = (2)
BartleyDoes Narwick still have a head?
Ref: less of one...
Bartleywhich part is missing?
Ref: narwick roll against HT
Valennor:E (biting teeth)
Ref: to stay conscious from the blow
NarwickContest of Stat: [3d6] -> [3,1,2] = (6) vs HT of 12
Ref: very good
Narwickhe he
Ref: head of steel
Ref: Valennor shall run toward combat?
** Ref looks at watch... sees 5 minutes left **
Valennoryes, with my broadsword
** Valennor frowns in determination **
head of steeluh oh
Ref: -4 to swing while running
Ref: and actually hit a target
head of steelright
Valennorthen I'll shoot into it with my bow
Ref: ok
Narwick(head of steel)good idea
** Ref counts 4 **
Valennorat the broadsword half chinned guy
Ref: ok
ValennorCombat Skills: Bow [3d6] -> [3,1,3] = (7) vs 14
Ref: the aim is sure
Narwick(head of steel)die killer!
Ref: [1d6+2] -> [4,2] = (6) points of damage
ValennorGreat name buddy
** The Man shrieks "My heart!" **
** The Man falls to knees **
** Narwick(head of steel) shreikes back what heart! **
The Man: "You Pagan brutes!"
** The Man dies **
** Valennor says "Don't sweat it" **
** Narwick(head of steel) laughs **
** Valennor nods **
BartleyHe is slain.
Ref: everyone notices something strange
** Narwick(head of steel) crosses his chest **
Narwick(head of steel)hmmmm
Narwick(head of steel)whats that
Ref: brb
** Bartley says "I notice something strange." **
Narwick(head of steel)wow..that IS strange
** Bartley says "Tis but passing strange." **
ValennorBRB= burping reapeated belches
** Bartley thinks that is gross. **
Narwick(head of steel)WTH
** Valennor laughs about it **
ValennorWTB= worlds tallest brute
** Narwick(head of steel) decides to smoke a pipe now **
** Bartley creates a bitty bond fire and makes magic smores. **
** Bartley says "yum" **
Narwick(head of steel)you don't know what a dillemma it was trying to decide your demise...i had so many delightful decided to use them alll!!!
Ref: i'm back
Ref: but it's time for me to wrap up
Narwick(head of steel)oh
Ref: bed time for the Boogalie
** Bartley sobs in dispair **
Narwick(head of steel)lol
Valennorgotcha, ha
** Bartley rolls on the ground laughing in merriment **
Ref: we'll have to do this agin soon
Narwick(head of steel)yes
Valennorwell, thanks Jakim, yes
Ref: cya
Narwick(head of steel)the head of steel agrees
Narwick(head of steel)later
BartleyAre you saving this?

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