Adventure Journal

Session 23

Note: this is a partially edited transcript of a chat session. The closer you get to the end the less sense it might make

[Narrator] Does everyone remember where we left off last time?

[Bartley] yeah... we were going to some city with the faun.

[Narrator] Yes, you were heading to the capitol city, Podana, and following a shortcut suggested by Bramble (the faun). Someone had told you that Elissa's relatives lived there.

[Narrator] So...

[Narrator] Flying through the air on the carpet (a little cramped with everyone), you head up the river toward the capitol city.

[Valennor] whee

[Narrator] Strangely enough you see smoke coming from behind the city walls. And as you get closer you spot a large group of tents set up about half a mile away from the city. But what really catches your attention are the large stones being lobbed at the city by catepults.

[Valennor] should we investigate?

[Narwick] yeah

[Valennor] what does Elissa say

[Valennor] siege!

[Narwick] oh boy!

[Bartley] traitors!

[Narrator] OOC: Who's flying the carpet?

[Narwick] i dunno

[Bartley] I am of course

[Narwick] oh

[Bartley] it's my carpet BTW

[Valennor] so, we vote for the City foke, right?

[Narrator] Sure

[Valennor] ambush from behind, eh?

[Narwick] yeah

[Valennor] Elissa lives in the city, correct?

[Narwick] Dom send thier stones back at em!

[Narrator] So where will you fly to?

[Bartley] good idea!

[Narrator] at the enemy's back?

[Valennor] right behind the camp, concealed, waiting to ambush at nightfall

[Narrator] a ha

[Narwick] why wait till the night?

[Valennor] we are but a few

[Bartley] so?

[Valennor] duh

[Bartley] we're heros

[Valennor] no, I'm heroes

[Narrator] good point... especially as it appears something has spotted you... a group of large birds

[Narwick] cruddnes

[Valennor] intelligently dangerous?

[Valennor] I pull out my bow

[Bartley] birds... with normal heads?

[Narrator] black birds... about the size of vultures and accompanied by a couple of round bodied abominations with bat wings...

[Narwick] wait it there are like 5 peeps on this carpet then we aren't gonna be able to shoot anything

[Narrator] it would be inherently dangerous...

[Valennor] I agree

[Bartley] an excellent point

[Valennor] LAND!

[Narrator] but what do heroes care of danger?

[Bartley] alright already

[Narwick] right

[Valennor] good, eeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr

[Bartley] another excellet point

[Bartley] ok... hop off.

[Narrator] as Bartley directs the carpet to land, a couple of birds dive on you... to test your mettles

[Narrator] OOC: what's Bartley's agility?

[Valennor] shoot for their wings (we'll interrogate them)

[Bartley] (10... dx right?)

[Valennor] I'll draw for the closest beast's wing

[Narwick] ~pulls out his crossbows~

[Narrator] ah, yes, Dexterity... same thing

[Narrator] So first it quickly turns into a chase... Bartley expertly guiding the carpet out of the reach of the birds claws

[Narwick] can i shoot @ one since I'm in the back

[Narrator] Bartley plops the carpet down on the bank of the river

[Bartley] (cheers for Bartley)

[Valennor] OOC: my skill for bow is 14

[Narrator] Valennor and Narwick draw their bows and aim at a couple of diving birds...

[Valennor] right

[Valennor] crossbows for Narwick

[Valennor] twing!

[Valennor] thwap!

[Valennor] (gak!)

[Bartley] Bartley got his bow too...

[Narrator] Two birds are diving fast... the others circle above

[Narwick] I'll shoot at the one diving on the right

[Narrator] Narwick's target bird falls to it's death, shot through the neck, and Valennor's target was hit in the wing and spirals down into the river

[Valennor] I'll get it... can I wade?

[Narrator] Yes you can wade out... but it might not be dead

[Narrator] The other birds let out shrieks and fly a little higher... except for the two round bodied "birds" that start diving

[Narwick] BARTLEY!!

[Bartley] Ok, Bartley takes aim...

[Narwick] i start loading my second crossbow

[Narrator] Bartley missed...

[Narwick] ill shoot the bird Bartley missed

[Valennor] can [the birds] talk, you think?

[Narrator] (maybe)

[Valennor] I'll wade close to mine and inquire

[Narrator] the bird squalks and starts to drown

[Valennor] HAHA!

[Valennor] I'll grab it's feet (talons too!) and pull it out

[Narrator] Valennor makes his grab... without getting hurt by the talons

[Valennor] hope it doesn't peck... well, how's my bird?

[Narrator] It's sputtering, it tries to peck (weakly) at your trousers

[Valennor] pecking? I'll wring it's neck if it tries...

[Valennor] I'll take it and dry it out

[Narrator] k

[Narrator] (Narwick hits the bird)

[Narwick] i hit it... does it die?

[Narrator] No! Mortally wounded it makes a pass, striking with it's claws... at Narwick. And the second, unwounded one, attacks Bartley. Narwick is missed as the "bird," loosing blood, spasms and flutters off into the swamp... But the other heads straight for Bartley's head... talons reaching for his eyes

[Valennor] "Bartley!"

[Bartley] I'll whack it with my knife!

[Narrator] Bartley slashes the tallons away, and the "bird" flies away shreeking in rage

[Valennor] good job

[Bartley] Ha! Who's the elf now huh?

[Narwick] kewl

[Valennor] "Watch it, it might circle back."

[Narwick] i load my third crossbow

[Valennor] OOC: how's my bird doing?

[Narrator] Better...

[Valennor] "Guys, I got a bird."

[Narrator] Though it keeps eyeing a button on your trousers

[Valennor] hmm

[Narwick] I'll shoot at the one that is flying away

[Narrator] Narwick shoots it through it's black heart...

[Narwick] ooh!

[Narrator] and it lands on the ground and melts into a puddle of dark goo.

[Valennor] woah!

[Narrator] Apparently the tother birds have scattered... they're nowhere to be seen

[Valennor] (interrogating)

[Valennor] "Birdie? Can you talk?"

[Narrator] *Squawk* says the bird... showing no intelligence above bird level

[Valennor] "So, what should I do with it?"

[Bartley] Too bad I can't read minds.

[Valennor] "Narwick, talk to it."

[Narwick] ok

[Bartley] Good idea!

[Narrator] You can train birds... for hunting and such

[Narwick] OOC: i use my animal talking skill

[Narrator] what did you say?

[Narwick] asks it what it is doing

[Narrator] hunting replies the bird hunting for master

[Narwick] who is master

[Narrator] master is good, said the bird

[Valennor] I da master!

[Bartley] shh!

[Valennor] "Ask it why it hunts us."

[Narrator] hunting hoomans, said the bird

[Narwick] what is master

[Narrator] not hoomans, said the bird

[Narwick] hmmm

[Valennor] ask it

[Narwick] why are you hunting us

[Narrator] master cutss, said the bird

[Narwick] ?

[Valennor] "Another bird probably."

[Bartley] It's name?

[Narwick] who are teh others attacking the castle and what is your name

[Valennor] *Valennor turns the bird right-side up*

[Narrator] name klaaakkkuzzzz, said the bird

[Bartley] Pet it... maybe it'll be nice to us

[Narwick] will you work with us?

[Narrator] hoomans master? asked the bird

[Narwick] yeah

[Narrator] good hoomans, said the bird

[Narwick] uh huh

[Bartley] Yeah, we all good hoomans!

[Narwick] Bartly you should heal it if it says yes

[Bartley] All right!

[Valennor] "I'm good, Narwick killed the other one..."

[Bartley] Only in self-defense... wait I'm not Narwick...

[Valennor] "Bartley, we could use some medication here."

[Narwick] right

[Valennor] yes

[Bartley] Shall I?

[Valennor] yes

[Narrator] Bartley uses a minor healing spell on the bird.

[Valennor] *arrow removed* Valennor replaces it in his quiver, after cleaning it.

[Bartley] Excellent.

[Narwick] so what we gonna do now?

[Narrator] (Bramble and Elissa are on the carpet watching the skies for more birds)

[Valennor] ask who the tents are and if they oppose Elissa's family, we assualt them at nightfall (Valennor suggests)

[Narwick] ok~asks the above~

[Narrator] tents is hooman's, said the bird

[Narwick] ok

[Narwick] what is in the castle

[Narrator] castle is hooman's, said the bird

[Narwick] ok

[Valennor] why are they attacking?

[Narwick] well if not hoomans took the castle then we help the hoomans

[Valennor] "Then what does that mean for us?"

[Narrator] hooman's fights, bird hunts, said the bird

[Narwick] is your master+ in the tents?

[Narrator] master is here, said the bird

[Valennor] ?

[Narwick] right

[Narrator] good master, said the bird

[Valennor] Oh yeah! ME!

[Narwick] is your old master+ in the tents?

[Narrator] You know for sure that the humans in the city are good... the tent dwellers are debateable

[Valennor] "Bramble, can I ride on your back?"

[Narrator] Bramble says to Valennor, "only if you can catch me" and dashes off into the swamp

[Bartley] The chase is on!

[Valennor] *Valennor pounds after her*

[Narrator] *Valennor chases Bramble through the swamp*

[Narwick] lets go into the castle with the carpet and ask whats going on!

[Valennor] Valennor yells distantly, "yeah"

[Narrator] *suddenly Valennor's leg sinks in the mud and soon he's in up to his waist*

[Narwick] stupid

[Bartley] This elf is getting impatient

[Narwick] lets go save Valennor

[Narrator] poor master, said the bird

[Narwick] goes to pull him out

[Valennor] "Help!"

[Bartley] Sillyness all around... ok, let's go get him... no riding on Brambles back for him!

[Valennor] yes I shall!

[Narwick] you gonna have to clean your carpet too

[Bartley] What???!!???

[Valennor] I'll jump in the lake

[Bartley] Who's got my carpet?

[Narrator] After much getting-muddy-to-save-Vallenor is over...

[Narrator] Bramble was back on the carpet before everyone finished getting Valennor out...

[Valennor] "Good one Narwick, let's go."

[Narrator] so do you fly to the castle or wait for nightfall

[Valennor] fly to the castle

[Narrator] Back at the carpet, Elissa say's she feels strange.

[Valennor] "Narwick, kiss her, it worked last time!"

[Bartley] I hope she didn't eat my magic mushrooms!

[Narwick] whats wrong?

[Valennor] yes, let's go

[Narrator] she felt dizzy for a few moments, but it passed... and she's ready to go.

[Narwick] cool lets go

[Valennor] good

[Valennor] and we're off

[Bartley] ok

[Narrator] you fly out across the river toward the walled city again, this time you notice the catapults are silent. It looks like the battle is over... for now

[Valennor] good, we won't get caught in the middle

[Narrator] OOC: do you want to fly over the walls into the city?

[Narwick] i spose

[Valennor] sure

[Narrator] *twang* *twang* *whizz* ... the defending archers on the wall are shooting at you

[Valennor] don't hit the wall!

[Narwick] oops wrong choice

[Bartley] Watch out for the arrows...

[Narwick] yell we are friends

[Valennor] "You idiots! Cease fire!"

[Narwick] we are good

[Bartley] "WE ARE FRIENDS!"

[Narrator] "Drop your weapons and put up your hands" they yell back.

[Valennor] that's what they always say

[Narwick] we are looking for (whateva her names) family

[Bartley] Can't! Carpet will get away!!

[Valennor] Elissa's!

[Narwick] puts up hands

[Bartley] No!

[Bartley] We will crash into you! Very messy!

[Narrator] The archers keep their bows pointed at you until you land on the wall

[Narrator] "Well you don't LOOK like a Koltakan spy" says one

[Bartley] That's because we're not. Duh.

[Narrator] "But, they could be wearing a disguise," said another...

[Valennor] "Well you do, who is the Lord of this castle?"

[Narrator] "Lexius Sempron is our king," said one guard

[Valennor] "I like your King's name."

[Narwick] uh right

[Bartley] Hang on while I explain the duh factor to them...

[Narwick] ok

[Valennor] wow, intelligence so acutely displayed (get new guards)

[Narwick] ~hangs on~

[Narwick] we are from Thelic

[Bartley] Look here buddies, if were spies why in all hell blazes would we fly right up to you?

[Narwick] turns to Elissa, do ya know him?

[Narrator] "These spies are tricky," said the first guard

[Narrator] Elissa says, "Do you know my uncle? Gaius Anadonus?"

[Narwick] yeah do ya know him

[Narrator] "Mr Anadonus is your uncle?" said the second guard, "He's a very brave knight."

[Bartley] (now we're on the right track...)

[Narwick] ~rolls his eyes~

[Narrator] "killed three goblins on a raid two weeks ago... Goblin MAGES"

[Narrator] "uh, huh," agreed the other guard

[Valennor] "Woah."

[Narwick] those might be the same ones we fought

[Bartley] <to the side> I could do better...

[Narrator] "And a troll" said the first

[Valennor] Yeah right! He KILLED them

[Narwick] ooh!!!!!!

[Narwick] we had to fight a Gargoyle!

[Bartley] right

[Narrator] "or was it a minotaur? I can't remember... seems I heard the story both ways..."

[Narwick] and Goblin MAGES

[Bartley] It wasn't fair.

[Narwick] and we hadn't eaten for a whole day

[Valennor] "Well, quite a warrior, can we see him?"

[Valennor] "Or can SHE see him?"

[Bartley] Right. No magic mushrooms, no donuts, no nothing!

[Narrator] "Sure, sure... just follow us..."

[Bartley] ok

[Bartley] cmon guys

[Narrator] "By the way, have you ever seen a pacydaur? I've heard rumors about them... dangerous creature." said the guard.

[Valennor] "I'm not acquainted with the beast."

[Narwick] is it a round bird?

[Bartley] Haven't the foggiest.

[Narrator] "Big as an elephant I heard... With fangs like you've never seen... but I've heard they only live in deserts... dangerous too meet a Pachydaur anyway I think.

[Valennor] "I would imagine"

[Bartley] I would agree... if I weren't a hero.

[Narrator] Soon you arrive at the keep in the middle of the city

[Narwick] we have fought many battles we will tell you about them sometime

[Narwick] ~starts telling about the castle where we found Elissa~

[Narrator] Uncle Anadonus is overjoyed to see his neice Elissa... she had been missing for almost 12 years...

[Bartley] ~We're very brave too...~

[Narwick] Yeah it was worth it!

[Valennor] great

[Bartley] Awesome... good thing we rescued her!

[Narwick] yup

[Valennor] is her uncle rich?

[Bartley] Good thing you kissed her.

[Narrator] He promises all three of you a reward...

[Narwick] :-O

[Valennor] lol

[Bartley] ROTFLOL

[Bartley] (Imagine Bartley ROTFLOL!)

[Narwick] do you want us to transport people over the wall and ambush the tent peeps??

[Narrator] "Once we drive off these raiders, I'll take you back to my villa for a real feast" said Uncle Anadonus

[Bartley] I want to play with their rocks.

[Narwick] we will help you

[Narrator] said the Uncle

[Valennor] "Raiders you say? Need assistance?"

[Narwick] lets go do it guys!!!!!

[Valennor] we got their bird to hold ransom...

[Valennor] or not

[Valennor] Yes, we shall do it

[Bartley] I thought you were a nice master!! Shame on you

[Narrator] "Well," said the Uncle, "We've driven them off this time... thought we were done for, but then they broke ranks and fled."

[Bartley] We scared them off didn't we?

[Valennor] lol

[Narwick] the birds must have told them about us!!

[Narwick] 8-)

[Narwick] im so happy!

[Valennor] lol

[Narwick] ...

[Narrator] *later that afternoon, you join the Uncle on a scouting trip to where the tents were set up*

[Narwick] cool

[Bartley] "ashe yeyp ti moreres" (Means "We're heroes once again.")

[Valennor] "We can infiltrate the camp tonight and capture their leader..."

[Narwick] im gonna do a vision roll

[Narrator] It appears that they have been abandoned...

[Narwick] it is 12

[Bartley] Dude, you already did your seeing

[Narrator] {roll is 7}

[Valennor] I hope he has a shirt that says 'leader' or it might be difficult identifying him

[Narwick] OOC: do I see any thing?

[Narrator] You spot a big black cauldron

[Bartley] what's "ne" Precious?

[Valennor] woah

[Narrator] near a few smaller tents

[Narwick] oooh

[Narwick] i point it out to the others

[Bartley] Let's go take a look

[Narwick] shure

[Bartley] (sure)

[Narrator] At the edge of the camp you can see the wagon wheel ruts heading off to the south.

[Narwick] Ivan we need to call dadu

[Bartley] (what do they teach humans these days?)

[Valennor] feeling nervous already?

[Narwick] brb

[Valennor] Ok, Bartley will explore alone, and Narwick and I will be right back

[Narrator] the Uncle tells them that he'll set up a guard

[Narrator] and they can start relaxing some in the city

[Bartley] did we see what was in the cauldron?

[Narrator] it looked like a bubbling brew

[Bartley] nothing special huh? Ok, I guess we can follow the wagon trails...

[Bartley] They can't of gotten far...

[Narwick] yeah

[Narwick] lets go!

[Narrator] they have three hours head start

[Narrator] or so

[Bartley] Where we're we for the 3 hours?

[Narwick] yeah but we hava magic carpet

[Valennor] man! we took three hours to fly into the castle?!

[Narrator] chatting with the uncle

[Bartley] Oh. Yeah, we do have the trusty carpet.

[Valennor] good to go

[Narwick] yeah

[Narwick] any one wanna come?

[Bartley] Who want's to come? Is your bird still here? Where's Bramble?

[Narrator] like who?

[Narwick] i don;t know Bramble maybe!

[Narrator] Bramble is back in the city... entertaining Marcus and Renen

[Valennor] haha!

[Bartley] Ha ha! Those bums!

[Narwick] man how big IS this carpet/

[Narrator] It was a tight squeeze

[Narwick] we had 7 peeps on it

[Valennor] yep

[Bartley] Hey, I wasn't peeping at nobody!

[Narwick] well lets go

[Narwick] lol

[Narrator] I'm sure the carpet is looking a bit threadbare

[Narrator] So... just the three of you?

[Narwick] yeah

[Narwick] the original

[Narwick] !

[Bartley] Should I wash it? Give it a cookie? What do you give a carpet?

[Narwick] all for 3 and 3 for all

[Narwick] (the money)

[Valennor] yes, I'm ready

[Bartley] money? Ok.

[Narrator] So you head south... flying low and following the wagon trails

[Bartley] What?

[Bartley] Yes, following.

[Narrator] the trail heads down to a road and then south again toward a city... a ruined city on a hill

[Narwick] goody goody

[Valennor] alright!

[Bartley] Can I make the vision roll this time?

[Valennor] does it look like they are there?

[Bartley] Mines 12

[Narrator] So far there has been no signs of a wagon

[Valennor] no, I will, I have the best vision

[Narrator] {roll = 9}

[Valennor] mine is 13

[Narwick] kewl good shot

[Narwick] elf

[Valennor] what do I see and tell?

[Narrator] you spot a broken wagon wheel on the side of the road

[Bartley] Well, I saw it anyway

[Narwick] lets

[Valennor] ha, heh

[Narwick] GO!

[Narwick] l

[Bartley] where?

[Narrator] As you get closer to the city you spot a couple of farm house that have been burnt to the ground

[Narwick] keep going

[Bartley] Dreadful.

[Valennor] and?

[Narwick] or look for survivors

[Narwick] ?

[Valennor] yeah

[Narrator] the city walls are broken down in many places and blackend by fire

[Narwick] hmmm

[Bartley] They did this in three hours?

[Narwick] wow

[Valennor] did they ravage it?

[Narrator] the whole area looks like it had been the place of many battles... but battles that had been fought some years ago

[Bartley] Or was this past enterprises?

[Bartley] Ok.

[Narwick] lets keep going

[Narrator] still... it looks like the wagons passed by

[Bartley] yeah

[Bartley] keep going

[Valennor] are they still there, or did they keep going?

[Narrator] the tracks lead into the city

[Bartley] I thought you said they passed by.

[Valennor] obviously not, let's fly high for a look

[Narrator] following the tracks you finally find the wagons

[Narrator] !

[Valennor] what?

[Bartley] excellent

[Narrator] they sit abandoned near the docks

[Valennor] oh boy

[Valennor] docks!

[Bartley] docks huh. They left by ship maybe?

[Valennor] good point

[Bartley] catipults and all?

[Narwick] lets keep flying

[Narrator] as you fly down the rubble covered street toward the docks, you start to get a sense of forboding

[Bartley] uh oh

[Valennor] hmm

[Valennor] anything?

[Narrator] then there... at the end of the street...

[Valennor] so the docks are at the back of the city

[Narwick] uh oh

[Valennor] gulp

[Narrator] you see three stakes stuck in the dirt

[Valennor] poor stakes

[Valennor] wait

[Narrator] with a red bit of flesh impaled on the ends

[Narwick] EEEw

[Valennor] *GULP*

[Narrator] you sense dark magic is at work here

[Bartley] (I thought you liked blood and gore)

[Narwick] i do in movies but this is real life

[Bartley] Right

[Valennor] Mages!

[Valennor] Bartley, what have you done?

[Bartley] Dark magic huh? Where that uncle when we need him.

[Bartley] I didn't do anything yet...

[Bartley] I could "anaylize magic" on the area and maybe sense what happened?

[Narrator] ok

[Valennor] good

[Bartley] Level 13

[Narrator] { you roll a 10 }

[Bartley] Excellent

[Bartley] What do I sense?

[Narrator] someone has cast a spell of fear... and of defense... focused on the stakes

[Valennor] gaaa

[Valennor] what does this mean

[Narwick] destroy the stakes!

[Bartley] I'd guess you get afraid when you come near or see the stakes...

[Bartley] (how much umana did the Analyze magic spell cost?)

[Valennor] and you get protected

[Bartley] no you don't

[Bartley] you get defensive

[Valennor] oh yeah, you get defended

[Narrator] { cost was 8 points }

[Bartley] no!

[Bartley] ok

[Narwick] kewl

[Narrator] now what?

[Narwick] well?

[Narwick] hey magic guy whadda we do?

[Bartley] Hmm... go around them?

[Narwick] ok...

[Valennor] try it

[Valennor] (sheesh)

[Bartley] can we tell where the wagon party went now?

[Narrator] *Bartley zips the carpet around the stakes*

[Narwick] kewl

[Narrator] *CRASH* there's teh sound of thunder

[Bartley] Anybody scared?

[Narwick] nope

[Bartley] Yikes!\

[Valennor] yep, somewhat

[Narwick] :-\

[Bartley] I guess where all scared now.

[Narwick] lol

[Bartley] we're I mean

[Narwick] worried my friend

[Bartley] close enough

[Narwick] not scared

[Bartley] not yet

[Bartley] what was the crash?

[Narwick] ok mr moderator what do we see or heer or feel or what!

[Narrator] Suddenly... in front of the carpet a gollum appears

[Valennor] =-Onot too scared...


[Valennor] what?!

[Narwick] =-O

[Bartley] Now I'm scared Precious

[Narwick] no no no no no

[Narwick] what is a gollum?

[Narrator] blue and gold, with a horn in it's head

[Bartley] oh. Start panicing

[Narwick] is it big?

[Valennor] it isn't real... right?

[Bartley] very big

[Narrator] a gollum is a magical, undead creature made from metal or clay

[Narwick] lets fry it!

[Bartley] see?

[Valennor] kill it!

[Valennor] I pull out my magic sword

[Narwick] i Shout the words "EREBOS"!!!!!

[Valennor] (rainmaker?)

[Narwick] and point at teh creature

[Bartley] I'm going to creating a number 3 fireball.

[Bartley] level 14

[Narrator] Picture of the Gollum

[Valennor] whoah!

[Valennor] thanks

[Narwick] AAHH

[Valennor] I shall now fight valiantaly

[Valennor] whateva

[Narrator] Flames shoot out of Narwicks sword, blasting the gollum

[Valennor] I cover my eyes...

[Valennor] not really

[Narwick] DISSORDER!

[Narwick] what happens

[Valennor] hehheh

[Narrator] it looks singed

[Valennor] that's all?

[Valennor] oh by

[Valennor] boy

[Bartley] My turn

[Valennor] yup

[Bartley] Fireball time

[Narrator] Bartley's fireball glows in his hand...

[Valennor] change of plans, I pull out my rope

[Narrator] {what your spell throwing?}

[Bartley] 11

[Narwick] ahh

[Narrator] what shall Valennor do with the rope?

[Bartley] (I need to improve that)

[Narrator] The spell is thrown...

[Valennor] the thrown is spell

[Bartley] (whatever dude)

[Narrator] and slams into the gollum!

[Narwick] ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[Bartley] Yes!!

[Valennor] ouch

[Valennor] hohoho1

[Narrator] its garments catch fire and it roars in rage

[Narrator] it charges Narwick

[Bartley] Oh yes!

[Bartley] Oh no!

[Valennor] my turn:-P

[Narrator] what are you going to do?

[Valennor] I throw my rope loop at im

[Narwick] oh crud

[Valennor] you know, rope him!

[Valennor] DX is 12

[Bartley] scared now?

[Bartley] Narwick?

[Valennor] should I pull him in if I get im?

[Bartley] No!

[Narrator] You catch it with the rope!

[Valennor] lol

[Valennor] !!

[Narrator] But it casts a spell...

[Narwick] YEAH

[Valennor] help!!!

[Narwick] no!

[Valennor] I swing it around

[Narrator] Exma Donish!

[Bartley] I'

[Valennor] swing swing!!

[Bartley] I've got a deflect spell. Would that do anything against his spell?

[Narrator] maybe

[Valennor] swing!

[Bartley] I'll give it a try!

[Narrator] Valennor must make a strength roll to swing

[Valennor] sure, 11

[Narrator] {roll = 10}

[Valennor] whew

[Narrator] wait... are you still on the carpet?

[Bartley] Yes. I believe.

[Bartley] Right?

[Narwick] i thought so...

[Narrator] oh... you only pull the carpet closer to the gollum

[Bartley] so did I

[Valennor] shoot

[Narrator] :-D

[Bartley] Great.

[Narwick] dang

[Bartley] blast

[Valennor] "Blast him guys, I got him!"

[Narwick] yell EREBOS AGAIN!

[Bartley] How about a giant #3 stone missle?

[Bartley] What did his spell do?

[Narrator] Fire bursts from the sword... and burns up the rope

[Narwick] shoot

[Narwick] does it do n e thing to the GOllum

[Valennor] my rope!

[Valennor] I'll hang you Narwick!

[Narwick] ill get you a new one

[Valennor] ok

[Narwick] a better one

[Narrator] The gollum starts melting

[Valennor] goodie

[Bartley] that one

[Narwick] what!

[Narwick] uh yes that one

[Bartley] awesome!

[Narwick] YEah!

[Narrator] {what was the deflect spell level?}

[Valennor] *Valennor laughs loudly at the gollum*

[Bartley] level 12

[Narrator] it worked

[Bartley] (Valennor is trying to demoralize it)

[Narwick] obey us!!! ha ha

[Bartley] Yes!

[Valennor] YAY!

[Bartley] I want to smash it with my stone missle.

[Narrator] The gollum mutters one last incantation... pashka vasik...

[Valennor] *gasp*

[Narrator] and explodes!!

[Narwick] wow!

[Valennor] YAY!

[Valennor] we killed it!

[Narwick] my tapeworm did it!!!

[Valennor] did not (lol)

[Narwick] lol

[Narrator] everyone takes 2d6 damage from being so close though

[Bartley] "eytie eias the oehe s e ("metal has been melted this night")

[Narwick] ow

[Valennor] lol

[Narwick] lol

[Valennor] drat, damage

[Bartley] Ouch

[Narwick] thats terrible

[Narrator] that would be 8...

[Narwick] ahhh

[Valennor] MAN!

[Valennor] it almost killed me!

[Narwick] lol

[Narrator] Valennor and Bartley must roll to remain conscious

[Valennor] oh, you think it's funny huh?

[Bartley] Roll and I shall pray a minute

[Valennor] well watch this roll

[Narwick] comon

[Narrator] They both pass out from wounds

[Valennor] shoot

[Bartley] oh no!

[Narwick] ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[Narwick] noooooooooo

[Valennor] roll again

[Bartley] I don't fall off the carpet do I?

[Narrator] Valennor starts bleeding from his nose

[Valennor] me too?

[Narwick] your tapeworm told you to do that

[Valennor] no it didn't (lol)

[Bartley] no it didn't... wait I don't have a tape worm!

[Narwick] what should i do?

[Bartley] To bad your mama couldn't get you a better tapeworm

[Valennor] LOL

[Narwick] i have survival would that help them?

[Narwick] lol

[Narrator] no

[Narwick] does that mean like a little bit of first aid

[Valennor] I cannot be helped

[Narwick] i shake them to wake them

[Bartley] you are uncounciouse remember?

[Narrator] but roll IQ-5 to perform first aid

[Narwick] not me

[Bartley] oops.

[Narwick] you and ivan

[Narwick] x cuse me valennot

[Bartley] I thought it was you not Valennor

[Narwick] *r

[Narwick] ok go for it

[Bartley] I mean me and you

[Narwick] my iq is 111

[Bartley] I so confused. I guess I'm out cold

[Narwick] i mean 11

[Narrator] You fail miserably

[Narwick] danng

[Valennor] lol!

[Narrator] they remain unconscious

[Bartley] Ouch ouch ouch. did I die?

[Bartley] you killer!

[Narwick] i suppose we should go back now?

[Valennor] unhand me you idiot!

[Bartley] I hate your tapeworm

[Valennor] LOL

[Narrator] You'll have to fly the carpet

[Bartley] were doomed!

[Narwick] =-O

[Narrator] uh, Narwick will

[Valennor] why go back, explore

[Narwick] you are unconcious

[Bartley] says Valennor's uncounscious self

[Narrator] Valennor might bleed to death

[Narwick] really?

[Valennor] naa

[Narrator] from his nose

[Valennor] !

[Narwick] ill tie a tournaquey

[Narwick] t

[Narwick] around his nose

[Bartley] not on me you won't.

[Valennor] my beautiful snout!

[Narwick] lol

[Narwick] too bad your momma couldn't give you a better snout

[Valennor] she did

[Valennor] over your dead tapeworm

[Narrator] so what do you do?

[Narwick] will that work j man

[Narwick] tie the tourequet on his nose but keep his mouth open so he can breath

[Narrator] no... that didn't... try stuffing rags

[Narwick] ok...

[Narwick] done

[Valennor] NOOO

[Bartley] his nose is too small

[Valennor] why isn't Bartley bleeding

[Bartley] cause I'm tough

[Valennor] Narwick, make him bleed too

[Bartley] no don't touch me!

[Narwick] id rather not

[Bartley] Wise

[Narrator] Narwick performed slightly better first aid on Bartley

[Narwick] lol

[Valennor] I'll hang you again

[Bartley] sorry buddy

[Valennor] with the new rope

[Bartley] I'm a better patient

[Narwick] so are they gonna be alright???

[Valennor] no, you out cold man

[Valennor] sure, sure

[Narwick] if so i will explore the surrounding area

[Valennor] good

[Narwick] you are out cold too v

[Bartley] You're think about exploring at a time like this?!?

[Narwick] until yall wake up

[Bartley] What if a lion comes and eats Valennor?

[Narrator] Eventually they will awake... but it will take a week to recover completely from the wounds

[Valennor] man

[Bartley] Blast

[Narwick] hmm maybe we should go back

[Valennor] blast the lion

[Narrator] okay... I'll roll for regaining consciousness

[Bartley] please do

[Narwick] your unconcious too?

[Valennor] I'd rather sleep

[Narrator] you both wake up

[Bartley] sweet kind dies

[Narrator] with a giant head ache

[Bartley] dices

[Valennor] ?

[Bartley] I mean

[Narwick] ok what do you wanna do?

[Bartley] I live!

[Valennor] go on, (ouch)

[Narwick] go on after the things/

[Bartley] What? (groggle)

[Narrator] head for the docks?

[Narwick] ok lets go driver

[Valennor] docks? oh yeah

[Bartley] what's "docks" Precious?

[Narwick] those docks!

[Bartley] oh... we don't like dockses

[Narwick] i dont like watter

[Narrator] at the docks you find three dead men...

[Narwick] hmm

[Narwick] roll for vision

[Narwick] 12

[Bartley] 12

[Narrator] They all have a large cut in their chest

[Valennor] the tourniquet is killing me

[Narwick] is it from the gollum

[Narwick] take it off!

[Valennor] wow, one big cut huh?

[Bartley] yikes. I'm scared again.

[Valennor] three men in one cut

[Bartley] Those stupid spikes

[Narwick] ok that cluldve been us

[Valennor] three spikes three guys

[Narrator] No... three cuts

[Narwick] :-(

[Valennor] right

[Bartley] stop thinking morbid thoughts

[Narrator] not one big one

[Narwick] a moment of silence please

[Valennor] (snicker)

[Narwick] thanks

[Narrator] do you care for an autopsy?

[Narwick] yeah

[Bartley] no problem

[Bartley] wait

[Narwick] ill do it with my ranger stuff

[Bartley] I'm think happy thoughts

[Narrator] After examining the bodies, you discover their hearts have been removed

[Narwick] alkja;klsfdj;ahslj;hkdsa\

[Valennor] yo!

[Narwick] :-$:'(

[Bartley] oh nasty. I'm repulsed.

[Valennor] grislyness!

[Valennor] haha!

[Bartley] is that what was on the stakes?

[Narwick] lets go guys

[Valennor] can we go look at the hearts again?

[Valennor] (gag) no, actually not

[Bartley] Lets go indeed.

[Narrator] where?

[Valennor] yeah really

[Narwick] ??

[Bartley] ANYwhere else

[Narwick] lets go back to the castle

[Valennor] sure sure

[Bartley] Where did the wagon party go?

[Narrator] it looks like someone used a dark spell.. requiring human hearts to summon the gollum

[Narwick] eww

[Valennor] wowee

[Bartley] Oh gross.

[Valennor] hehehe

[Narwick] Jack the Ripper

[Valennor] gee

[Bartley] Shush

[Narwick] lets go bak

[Narrator] so you head back?

[Narwick] yupers

[Bartley] I think we should continue the search. They obviously didn't want anyone to follow...

[Valennor] let's look around for where they went

[Narwick] ok lets continue

[Bartley] if they had to summon a gollum to keep us from following

[Valennor] good point

[Narrator] where do you look?

[Narwick] wait till we tell the gaurds we killed a gollum

[Bartley] you said the tracks stopped at the docks?

[Narrator] Yup

[Bartley] Did they have ships?

[Narwick] lets go sailing above the water

[Bartley] Maybe if we fly high enough, we'll spot them.

[Narwick] try it

[Narrator] Okay...

[Bartley] Get one guys

[Valennor] I'm for it

[Bartley] get on I mean

[Narrator] you head high into the sky...

[Narwick] k

[Valennor] and the sky heads into us

[Bartley] With 7 eyes peeled.

[Narrator] you can see the ocean to the south east, and a large bay there as well

[Bartley] Wait, 6

[Narwick] and

[Narwick] ...

[Bartley] no ships?

[Narrator] in the bay... actually at the mouth of the river

[Narwick] ahhh lets go!

[Narrator] that opens into the bay... you see five ships

[Bartley] ahah!

[Valennor] woah

[Narwick] sink the ships with stone missles

[Bartley] We can sneek up, and set them afire.

[Narwick] i can shrink them

[Narwick] lol

[Bartley] Or find out who they are first.

[Bartley] And then sink them.

[Valennor] good ones guys

[Narwick] or sink or shrink

[Bartley] Yes!!!

[Valennor] lol

[Narwick] lets GO

[Bartley] <going...>

[Narrator] you fly low along the water... into the bay, coming right behind the ships...

[Narwick] oooh

[Narwick] :-P

[Narrator] behind you the sun has begun to set... hiding you approach

[Bartley] excellent

[Narwick] :-)

[Narrator] you reach the last ship without being seen

[Valennor] I thought of it

[Bartley] smooth (you did not)

[Narrator] what now?

[Narwick] whaddaya wanna do/

[Narwick] ...................................

[Bartley] find out who they are. Can you really shrink a whole ship?

[Narrator] ..................................

[Valennor] pose as friends

[Narwick] yeah i can shrink up to 10 things

[Narwick] then it needs to recharge

[Narrator] you notice the carpets tassels are smoking

[Narwick] hmmm

[Narwick] quick hit the watter

[Bartley] uh oh. Quick, some sea water.

[Valennor] what about sea monsters?

[Bartley] Oh, does that mean it's about to go?

[Bartley] In that case, let's borrow one of the boars

[Bartley] boats

[Bartley] ships

[Narwick] yeah!

[Valennor] let's land on the island or whatever and spy

[Narwick] k

[Valennor] I'm great at that

[Narrator] there aren't any islands in the bay

[Bartley] what island. Are the ships moving?

[Bartley] Or are they ancored?

[Narrator] yes... they are sailing for the ocean

[Bartley] That's what I thought.

[Valennor] woah! it's 5:31!

[Valennor] oh oh

[Narrator] are you late for something?

[Narwick] :-D

[Valennor] sam, when is the youth group?

[Narrator] huh

[Narwick] 5

[Valennor] !

[Narwick] ;45\

[Valennor] !!

[Narrator] !!!

[Narrator] can you drive fast? ;-)

[Valennor] heheh

[Valennor] we gotta go then?

[Narwick] its close

[Valennor] we land right, in the woods or something?

[Narrator] You're in the middle of the bay

[Valennor] oh

[Bartley] Nope... suspended in midair

[Narrator] Well have to wait until next time to find out what happens... sink or swim? ;-)

[Valennor] yeah, that's right

[Bartley] Pun intended.

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