Adventure Journal

Session 22

Note: This is the UNEDITED VERSION. For something more readable see the official journal.

You have just entered room "Chat 11472004912426224992."

Narwick has entered the room.

[Narwick] the shizzznitt is here

Valennor has entered the room.

Dominiqueooo has entered the room.

[Bartley] I live!

[Narrator] whoz here

[Narrator] this is slower than a chat isnit

[Valennor] I sorta live

[Bartley] what/

[Bartley] ?

[Valennor] is samoo here?

[Narrator] moosam

[Narrator] hokay

[Narwick] ahh yeah

[Bartley] I notice no difference...

[Bartley] Sam?

[Narrator] bleh

[Narrator] anyway

[Bartley] ack ack

[Narrator] if yall are ready

[Narwick] dom your color is sooojust pretty

[Valennor] sam, get out of your other chats and come get yo' character sheet howaboutit?


[Bartley] sorry... the linux client doesn't do colors in chat rooms...

[Narrator] it can

[Bartley] get used to it.

[Bartley] how?

[Narrator] uh...

[Bartley] how's this?

[Valennor] 8-)let's go

[Bartley] drat

[Narrator] still black

[Narrator] did you see the link?

[Narwick] do we need dices??

[Bartley] HOW'S THIS?

[Narrator] nope

[Narwick] yup

[Narrator] nope

[Narrator] pest dog

[Bartley] wouldn't it be something like ""

[Bartley] font color = "4"

[Narrator] anyway, you're equipment is at

[Bartley] etc

[Narwick] EXTRACTING....

[Narrator] nope. FONT COLOR="#00AA00"

[Narrator] etc

[Bartley] ug

[Bartley] ok ill try it

[Narrator] *in a solumn voice*

[Narwick] i like reddd

[Valennor] the link didn't work, why don't you just inform us as we go?

[Narrator] We now return to the adventures of Valennor, Bartley, and that other ratty looking fellow named L.Narwick.

[Valennor] I wasa doin tapeses, but isen backa now

[Narwick] dom i have the stuff in my root

[Narrator] SSSSHHHH

[Bartley] yes!

[Narwick] the equipment is in my root menu

[Narwick] of the top dogs stuff

[Bartley] k

[Bartley] ok

[Valennor] I'm ready Jakim/creepy narrator dude

[Narwick] go

[Bartley] me too

[Narrator] Valennor had escourted Elissa with the caravan to the walled city of Viedin on the River.

[Valennor] I'm so special

[Bartley] shh

[Narrator] Bravely defending her from trolls and earning her favor (for the afternoon).

[Narrator] Narwick and Bartly meanwhile

[Valennor] ugly guys

[Bartley] quite

[Narrator] Had spent a small (nyuk nyuk) amount of time buzzing behind the goblin rider

[Narwick] i'm going to ignore ivan

[Narwick] lol

[Valennor] gg

[Bartley] quit

[Valennor] Dom's almost dead right, and they are coming back...

[Narrator] and discovered a cave of goblins guarded by a magical gargoyle

[Narwick] right right

[Bartley] ok

[Narrator] after being soundly thrashed by the gargoyle the brave Narwick and Bartley ran for the hills

[Valennor] =-O

[Bartley] run away!

[Narrator] and managed to find their way back to the caravan trail...

[Narwick] :-(

[Narrator] it was a long hard night of high speed carpet flying

[Bartley] yes!

[Narwick] grin

[Narrator] that brought them to Veidin

[Narrator] the same night which Valennor and Elissa spent sleeping in comfortable beds (different rooms of course)

[Narrator] The next morning

[Valennor] hehe

[Narwick] :-\

[Valennor] I had breakfast with her!

[Bartley] shush

[Narrator] Narwick and Bartley finally found Narwick and Elissa at the inn as they breakfasted on fruits, and breads, and cereals.

[Narwick] yum yum

[Narrator] The inn keeper had mentioned he knew a man with the same last name as Elissa... possibly a relative who would know where her family had gone since the fall of Narobo.

[Valennor] umm, I'll ask him where he lives...

[Narrator] The man's name was Lucum

[Valennor] yuk yuk

[Narrator] he lives on oak lane

[Valennor] nearby?

[Bartley] no

[Narrator] yes, down a couple of blocks

[Narwick] who the inkeeper??

[Valennor] does she want to go see him

[Valennor] lol

[Narrator] Serva Tilumer

[Narwick] kk

[Bartley] ok psychic

[Narrator] Elissa... yes, she does. Though she doesn't recognize the name... it could be a distant cousin

[Narwick] hmm

[Narwick] :-*

[Narrator] *SLAP*

[Valennor] lol

[Bartley] hohoh

[Narwick] *OUCH*

[Valennor] okey dokey, when do we go

[Narrator] The inn keeper, as he is filling your cups of black brewroot

[Narrator] says

[Narwick] ...

[Narrator] that the barbarians have been active lately, raiding...

[Bartley] ...

[Narrator] southern villiages around podana

[Narrator] he feared that the peacful times of the past ten years were over and that

[Bartley] ...

[Narrator] they would be back to the wars when the barbarian Kotakans invaded forty years ago

[Narrator] Soon the breakfast is over.

[Narwick] /e sypathizes

[Narrator] Bartley and Narwick are still tired, but everyone is ready to get on with it

[Narrator] what next?

[Narwick] yes yes

[Valennor] sure, let

[Valennor] 's go!

[Bartley] whatever people

[Narwick] lets head to find the distant cousin

[Narwick] or whoever he is

[Narrator] You pass busy townsfolk on the way to Lucum's house

[Bartley] yes

[Narrator] *Knock, knock*

[Valennor] I hope he has shoes...

[Narwick] ahhh!!!

[Valennor] what, what?

[Bartley] !

[Narrator] A tall, red haired man answeres the door, he's wearing an apron that is smuged with soot

[Narwick] Narwick introduces himself and elinna

[Narwick] and asks if this is locum

[Narrator] [OOC] Hold on, I BRB

[Narwick] kkk

[Valennor] and I introduce Joel, myself, and the magic carpet

[Bartley] eeeek. halt

[Narwick] :-$

[Bartley] don't give away the carpet!

[Narwick] dumbdonkey

[Valennor] :-Xdon't say that...

[Bartley] insults

[Valennor] dom types weird things when testing to see if his colors work

[Valennor] So, I'll flash MY colors!

[Narwick] here is my new color

[Narrator] I'm back

[Bartley] there not working

[Bartley] they're I mean

[Valennor] ello module

[Narwick] continue

[Narrator] "How can I help you gentlemen... and lady?"

[Narrator] said the man

[Narwick] Narwick: we are looking for a man by the name locum

[Valennor] Uhh, (nudge), tell him Elissa

[Narwick] he may be a distant reletive of our dear friend Elissa, here

[Narrator] "I'm Lucum," said the man, "and that's pronounced Loo'sum"

[Narrator] "not luck'um"

[Narwick] ok sorry

[Narwick] !

[Narwick] (well)

[Bartley] that's my line sam!

[Narrator] "Elissa? Is that you young lady... I'm sorry but I don't think I have any relatives as pretty as you." he winked a couple of times

[Narwick] he he

[Valennor] or as pretty as me

[Narwick] narwick: we are assuming that you know more people by teh last name that you carry upon your oh so already over burdened back


[Narwick] ...

[Narrator] You thank the man and walk away down the street

[Narwick] and if you do could you please point us in the direction, because this young lady is looking for!!! what!

[Valennor] disguised as an orc... what now guys

[Bartley] ok guys, where now?


[Bartley] sorry

[Bartley] Narwick

[Bartley] said Bartley

[Narwick] OH WELL

[Narwick] lets ask elissa what to do...pkhja09

[Valennor] yah

[Bartley] ok pkhja009

[Narrator] Then a young boy comes running up...

[Valennor] beggar?

[Narwick] ??

[Bartley] it takes one to know one...

[Narrator] "Auntie Lissa!"

[Bartley] says Bartley

[Bartley] !

[Valennor] Woah!

[Narwick] narwick: who who!!"

[Bartley] Relatives

[Narwick] =-O

[Bartley] :-)

[Narrator] The young boy and Elissa hug and ask about each other's family for a few moments.

[Valennor] ello dare little guy

[Narwick] narwick: looks bewildered

[Bartley] "ekite howit im josd" mutters Bartley in Elvish...

[Narrator] The little boy says that he's here with his father (Elissa's brother) since they had to leave Narobo after the bad men came

[Narwick] um...can we understand him??

[Valennor] :-D"Hello, I'm Valennor"

[Narrator] uh...

[Narrator] was anyone learning Elissa's language?

[Narwick] um...

[Valennor] Dom knows it

[Bartley] Bartley translates...

[Narrator] or was it the other way around?

[Narwick] sure:-D

[Narrator] K, Bartley translates

[Narwick] blah bhla

[Bartley] shh

[Valennor] >:osomebody touched me!

[Narwick] jakim please chang you font!

[Bartley] the little turd is stil speaking

[Valennor] you too sam

[Narwick] im getting mixed up

[Valennor] Jakim's is fine

[Narrator] Elissa says, "Arta said my father and mother are living in Podana now, that's about 2 days south of this city."

[Narwick] ahhh!!!

[Narwick] >:o

[Valennor] not on a magic carpet

[Bartley] :-)

[Narrator] "Podana," said a man passing by, a dark fellow with a hooded cloak, "I hear there's trouble in those parts."

[Narwick] hooded!!!!!????

[Narwick] hmmm

[Valennor] good, I like it

[Narwick] "what kind of trouble?"

[Bartley] Trouble is my expertise

[Narrator] Apparently Elissa didn't hear him, as she says, "Can we leave for Podana soon?"

[Narwick] yes yes""

[Narrator] [the man has walked on]

[Bartley] uh, fixing trouble that is.

[Narwick] lets be on our way

[Valennor] We go now (grunt)

[Bartley] yes, lets

[Bartley] walk walk

[Bartley] fly

[Narwick] and with taht the three heros leave the shire

[Valennor] wakwakwak

[Narwick] waddle

[Narrator] well which is it?

[Narwick] lol

[Valennor] jiggle

[Narwick] um..

[Bartley] Hey I'm gliding here.

[Narwick] ride horses

[Valennor] yes

[Valennor] good

[Bartley] I don't like horses

[Narwick] first find horses the ntidem

[Valennor] waah

[Narwick] then ridem

[Narrator] okay...

[Bartley] ok. If you insists

[Narwick] we go looking for horses

[Narwick] ...

[Bartley] ? look look ?

[Valennor] and find the being sat on...

[Narwick] do we find them??

[Bartley] :-)

[Bartley] of course

[Narrator] $900 for a horse and $400 for a saddle

[Valennor] whew!

[Narwick] ahhhh!!!

[Narwick] lets fly

[Valennor] how much money do I have?

[Bartley] why do we want horses again?

[Valennor] I already have a horse at home, lets ride the carpet!

[Narrator] $1300 per person, $5200 for everyone

[Bartley] what this price for?

[Bartley] never mind

[Bartley] Valennor explained...

[Bartley] We're cheating...

[Narwick] yeah

[Narrator] walking sticks are $5

[Bartley] :-:

[Bartley] opps

[Bartley] :O

[Narrator] but nobody will rent you horses when you said you were going to Podana... somthing about trouble down there

[Bartley] blast

[Bartley] there's that idea

[Narwick] >:o

[Narwick] ok...

[Narwick] lets fly

[Valennor] yeah

[Bartley] :-)

[Narwick] can four fit on the carpet if Elissa sits on my lap??

[Narwick] :-D

[Narrator] when are you going to leave?

[Bartley] That makes me feel better.

[Bartley] Not.

[Valennor] lol sam

[Valennor] nowa

[Bartley] I thought Elissa liked Ivan

[Narwick] o

[Bartley] Er. Valennor

[Valennor] gets our stuffs we do (yoda affirmation)

[Bartley] wrong universe

[Narwick] WHAT?????

[Bartley] who the beep is Yoda?

[Bartley] says Bartley

[Narwick] we leave now!!!!

[Narrator] what I mean... do you leave during the day... as in, jump on the carpet and leave?

[Narwick] yeassssss

[Bartley] Yes!

[Narrator] k

[Valennor] yepedeedoo

[Narrator] Swoosh

[Narwick] go $%^& it go!!

[Valennor] wham...

[Bartley] shut the beep

[Valennor] wham wham

[Narrator] and into the air they fly, heading south

[Narwick] hey...=-O

[Bartley] And we didn't wreck

[Valennor] idea

[Narwick] what

[Bartley] ;-)

[Narrator] at this height they can see the forest again, to the north east

[Narwick] scary@@

[Valennor] what do we sees?

[Narrator] to the south they can see meadows and a river with marshland around it

[Narrator] they/you same difference

[Narwick] nice00

[Bartley] Oh no. I don't want to run into the flying gobblin bird thing

[Narwick] any wierd things

[Narwick] can i make a vison roll

[Narwick] ?/

[Bartley] Sorry that was late. Fingure trouble

[Bartley] Finger

[Valennor] finger my ***

[Bartley] Oh no. We don't have dice!

[Valennor] right!@

[Narwick] ahahasdk;ldsafpoiujafdslkads

[Bartley] That can't possibly mean anything

[Valennor] I'm bad, don't finger my ***

[Narwick] i roll a 529

[Bartley] shut up

[Narwick] i closed my eyes and hit the num pad

[Narwick] 3 times

[Narrator] Narwick rolls a 7 for vision

[Narwick] awe some

[Narwick] !! my vision is 12

[Narwick] do i see any thing

[Narrator] you see a big stone bridge crossing the river ahead of you

[Valennor] now you controll our fates!>:o

[Valennor] :-Pfishes

[Narrator] to the south of that is a small village.

[Valennor] more fishes!

[Narwick] lets stop @ the villiage

[Bartley] good thinging Mr. Muscle

[Valennor] :-[but I forgot my trowsers...

[Narwick] i know

[Narwick] 8-)

[Bartley] Put on your stupid Orc costume

[Narwick] whats thinging??

[Valennor] :-DIt suits me

[Narwick] roflol

[Bartley] thinking with a typeo

[Narwick] Jakim??

[Narrator] the carpet floats down to the ground near the village.

[Narwick] and...

[Bartley] and we get off!

[Valennor] whack

[Narrator] here the road and the village curve close to the dark forests in the east

[Narwick] and stretch...

[Bartley] no!

[Narwick] uh oh

[Narwick] lets investigate silently

[Narrator] there is not much activity in the village, but you can see farmers in their fields across the road

[Narwick] roll my stealth

[Valennor] proceed...

[Narwick] i have 11

[Valennor] I have 13, roll mine too

[Narwick] 175

[Valennor] no wait, mine is 14!

[Bartley] I'm not stealthy at all

[Narrator] Narwick steath roll = 10, valennor stealth roll = 12

[Valennor] good good

[Narrator] You weren't all that stealthy, but nobody noticed you sneaking around the village. Bartley and Elissa stayed behind with the carpet

[Narwick] kewl

[Narwick] kkk

[Bartley] good idea

[Valennor] what did we find? bad guys?

[Bartley] don't want to blow they're cover

[Bartley] their

[Narrator] (the tassels were still to hot for bartley to roll it up and put it back in his pack)

[Narwick] lol

[Bartley] ouch! Hot :O

[Valennor] I'm tired so I'll pput out my solar power collector...O:-)

[Narwick] lol

[Narrator] the village is nothing spetacular

[Bartley] that can't be your Orc costume that's for sure

[Narrator] spectacular

[Valennor] anybody home?

[Narwick] i'm going to go talk to a farmer

[Narrator] there's an old man whittling a walking stick in front of one house and a couple of older ladies hanging out the wash

[Narwick] i'll go ask him whats going on in the town

[Narrator] the farmer narwick walks over took stops hoeing and looks at hiim

[Bartley] Valennor is thinking violent thoughts against the old ladies

[Narrator] he says, "nothing unusual I hope"

[Valennor] no he isn't

[Narrator] meanwhile... back at the carpet...

[Valennor] the carpet... that sounds bad

[Bartley] that's us

[Narrator] Bartley and Elissa hear the sound of flutes coming from the forest

[Narwick] uh oh

[Valennor] and respond

[Narwick] !!!!

[Bartley] uh oh.

[Valennor] kill the flutes!

[Bartley] I pull out my bow, but I don't shoot yet!

[Valennor] please dom, don't shoot anywhere near me you incompetent fool

[Narrator] "I like it nice and quiet, ah have ah beer in the evening and then go to bed and that's how ah like it" said the farmer to Narwick

[Valennor] good good, but what are the flutes (I ask him)

[Narwick] yeah we are looking for that one town

[Narrator] Bartley sees a number of shapes flitting between the trees

[Narwick] i forget the naem

[Valennor] Vikings!

[Narrator] (Podana?)

[Narwick] yeah

[Bartley] Yikes!

[Narwick] podana

[Bartley] Gobbiles with flutes

[Bartley] I means gobblins

[Narrator] "Take the road down to Calagee and then head south-east, to the marsh," said the farmer

[Valennor] I like gobbiles

[Valennor] ok "thanks"

[Narrator] The flute playing gets louder and then Bartley hears a *clop, clop* to his left.

[Narwick] Narwick:thank you sir. turns and walks bakc to bartley

[Bartley] Horses

[Valennor] I head back to the carpet to plan (and help!)

[Bartley] Are we in the middle of the street?

[Valennor] you would be dom

[Narrator] "helloo there nice man" said a low voice to Bartley

[Valennor] nice meat on dem bones eh?

[Bartley] ! Uh, hi.

[Valennor] cannibles1

[Narrator] NO... you're outside the village on the forest side of the road

[Bartley] Oh.

[Bartley] Right

[Valennor] unlucky

[Bartley] I forget

[Bartley] What manner of being talked to me?

[Bartley] us

[Valennor] I tripped, fell and got mud in my mouth:-!

[Bartley] good going mud breath

[Narwick] am i back yet??

[Narrator] Bartley looks left quickly, still pointing his bow toward the woods, and sees a faun standing nearby and looking at him with large brown eyes.

[Valennor] wow!

[Valennor] Crystal's kind of fawn?

[Bartley] Hello sir Faun

[Narrator] She plays with the lace ruffles on her shirt front and says, "What brings a nice man like you to our forests?"

[Valennor] faun I mean

[Valennor] fauns!

[Narwick] does she have ashirt on??

[Narwick] !!!!

[Valennor] dumb

[Bartley] of course

[Narwick] oh

[Valennor] hee

[Narrator] Meanwhile Valennor and Narwick (no longer sneaking) walk back through the quiet village.

[Bartley] wait my reply

[Narrator] *whack, whack* "Get off my flower bed," said an old lady to Valennor.

[Bartley] "We are adventuring. What's your name?"

[Valennor] :-(sorry, I didn't know...

[Bartley] says Bartely to the Faun

[Narrator] "Bramble," smiled the faun, "What's yours?"

[Valennor] brumbie!

[Bartley] Blast I don't have a very good Elf name

[Narwick] make 1 up

[Bartley] My name is JB

[Valennor] a penny for your hoofs

[Bartley] Is today a celebration? says Bartley

[Bartley] to the faun

[Narrator] "Jaybee... like a bumble bee." the faun laughed, "adventuring sounds fun."


[Narrator] "No we're not celebrating, not like anything special."

[Narwick] for a picture of a faun

[Narrator] "Would you like to play my panpipes?'

[Narwick] yesssss

[Narrator] Finally Valennor and Narwick make it out of the village and back to the carpet

[Bartley] Your flute music IS lovely Bartley says to the faun

[Bartley] And yes, I shall try your panpipes

[Bartley] Do I need to roll against my bard skillls?

[Narrator] sure

[Bartley] it's 11

[Narrator] you get a 9

[Bartley] Cool. Does she like it?

[Bartley] Is she charmed?

[Narrator] (you mean more than now ;-)

[Narrator] Yes, she likes the music

[Valennor] Dom's going to marry a faun!

[Bartley] Shut up psychic

[Narwick] ooh

[Narrator] [you can't marry a faun!!! ;-)]

[Bartley] Exactley

[Narwick] ahh

[Bartley] that's what I'm saying

[Valennor] why not?>:o

[Narwick] :-(

[Narrator] well, you could, but not have baby fauns

[Valennor] aww, that'd be cute!

[Narrator] [they're not compatible with humans (or elves)]

[Narwick] dude your scaring me

[Narwick] !!

[Narrator] anyway, Elissa is starting to look bored.

[Valennor] :'(I'll never have a faun

[Bartley] ANYway, I shall ask who lives in the forest (hint such as magic using Gobblins)

[Valennor] "What now Elissa?

[Narrator] Bramble says, "Why the deer, the foxes, the badgers, the owls, the elves, the rabbits, us fauns... you know"

[Narwick] elves!!!

[Bartley] that's what I noticed.

[Narrator] Elissa says to Valennor, "this funny looking girl is a chatter box."

[Valennor] "Bugs live in the forrest too" I agreed

[Bartley] Are we looking for the elves?

[Valennor] "What do you think we should do Elissa?"

[Narrator] "Well, bugs can't talk," retorted Bramble.

[Valennor] "Yikes!"

[Narrator] Elissa said, "I'd like to get on... who wanted to visit this village anyway."

[Narwick] Narwick introduces himself to bramble

[Valennor] I thought this was Pondona!

[Valennor] We can go to Pondana and ask if the faun wants to come!

[Narwick] yeah yeah

[Narrator] [Nawww, this is a village, Podana is the capitol city].

[Narwick] awww

[Narwick] ahh

[Narwick] :'(

[Valennor] oh, well, I tell her and suggest it

[Narwick] yeah

[Narrator] [going to Podana?]

[Narwick] now elissa is gonna hate you

[Valennor] me? why!

[Narrator] "You want to take me to Podana," said Bramble, "I've never been"

[Bartley] Sure! Why not?

[Narwick] she doesn't like the fawn

[Valennor] oh yeah, Elissa's jealous... "Do you want to? If so, let's go!

[Valennor] "

[Narwick] hi

[Narrator] So... after getting everyone situated on the carpet... [BTW, what happend to Marcus and Renen?]

[Valennor] ello:-*

[Narwick] is elissa mad?

[Narwick] ha ha ha

[Bartley] ! I forgot about Marcus and Renen!

[Narwick] i guess we ah left them in blah blah

[Valennor] 8-)"yo, ya wana go?"

[Narrator] [That would be seven people on the carpet, can it hold that many? *ominous dice sounds*

[Valennor] lol

[Valennor] Lets go!

[Bartley] I have no idea.

[Narrator] [it can]

[Valennor] wow

[Narwick] wowowoww

[Bartley] Impressive

[Narwick] its a huge carpe

[Narwick] t

[Valennor] depressant

[Narrator] but you notice more smoke coming out of the tassels than usual. ;-)

[Narrator] *sput* *sput*

[Narwick] lol

[Valennor] uh oh

[Bartley] I guess we have a reduced max speed now.

[Narwick] yeah

[Narrator] On the fauns advice, Bartley decides to take a short cut over the forest and and follow the river south to Podana.

[Valennor] goo!

[Valennor] d

[Narwick] sweet!

[Bartley] See, I knew we should bring her along.

[Valennor] I suggested it!

[Narwick] did n e 1 see the pic i gave

[Narrator] As night starts falling, you see the river plain where Podana is.

[Valennor] good good

[Narwick] its 5:15

[Bartley] We slow down...

[Bartley] And prepare to land...

[Narrator] [what's 5:15?]

[Narwick] the time

[Narrator] [do you have to go?]

[Narwick] aks dom

[Narrator] [um yes]

[Narwick] 5:15

[Narwick] 5:25 is when we need to go

[Narwick] ok continue

[Narrator] Well, I need to start cooking burgers anyway. :-\

[Narwick] ahh

[Narwick] yumm tyum

[Narwick] asjas

[Bartley] :-(

[Narrator] so well have to wait until next time to find out what happens at Podana (it can't be good)

[Narrator] ;-)

[Narwick] well thanx for playin with us

[Narwick] :-D

[Valennor] action time!

[Narrator] yup yup

[Bartley] Are we still in the air?

[Narwick] ttyl

[Valennor] kill the vikings!

[Narwick] bye byebye

[Narwick] im leaving on

[Narwick] 5

[Narwick] 4

[Narwick] 3

[Narwick] 2

[Narwick] 1

Narwick has left the room.

[Narrator] * A Transcript of todays show will be available on the website*