Blake was horrified, "The Guardsmen! They were Meraccian agents all the time!"
Blake ran through the cockpit just as a golden-yellow light enveloped him.
He vanished...
And reappeared onboard the Meraccian Star Fighter.
A cyborg approached him and said, "You are Blake Randor, an enemy to the Empire. You will be taken to Cyclonis for trial."
Blake was furious, "On what charges?"
The cyborg seemed surprised, "Why on the charge of treason against the Emperor."
"Oh great!" Blake thought to himself.
He questioned the Guardsmen at his cell, "So what do you think my chances of getting away are?"
"You will not escape. Once we arrive on Cyclonis you will be executed."
"Executed? By whom?"
"By the order of his majesty, the Emperor of Cyclonis."
"And just who is the 'Emperor'?"
"He says you know him of old."
The interrogation reversed.
"Tell us the plans of the First Fleet."
"I don't know."
"Tell us the secret plans of the First Fleet."
"I just got out of prison. You should know that!"
"We are the Guardsmen. We are servants of the Meraccian Empire. We have been ordered to watch you for the duration of your stay on the prison planet."
Suddenly the massive ship shook. A Guardsman moved to the cell and unlocked the door.
As Blake followed it to the palace, he noticed the metallic, silver floors and walls. He recognized the crest of the Meraccians that was plastered on the walls leading to the Palace. As he entered he was surprised to see golden paved halls and a strange design on the wall that lead to the Emperor's room.
"The Emperor will see you know!"
The door swung open. Blake's eyes met the Emperor's.
Shock, then the exclamation, "Cormos!"
Copyright (c) 2000 by Jakim Friant. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be produced in full or in part without written permission.