The First House
Finally I've gotten around to scanning in picture's
Crystal and I have taken of our new house. For the longest time we
only had one picture of the back yard, and a couple of the inside
before it was finished (this was partly due to the dog eating our
Anyway, without further ado, the house in
builder laid sod in our front yard, giving us the nice lawn you
see. The bushes were also part of the landscape package. The
siding is white vinyl and the shutters and door are actually a
darker blue-gray than it looks in the picture.
can see the back yard was only seeded with grass, and had not yet
started growing when we took this picture. Also we've had a fence
put up since the picture was taken. (Pardon the bite marks on the
lens, they're being retained as evidence against the dog).
kitchen was the first room to be finished during the move. Crystal
moved things around since this picture, but that was still before
we had finished unpacking the spare bedroom.
time of quiet contemplation in the kitchen... for a minute or two.
"I have no clue where those bite marks came
from, Daddy!"
Page Created on Aug 5, 2002