Strength (ST) 12 Intelligence (INT) 12 Personality (PER) 13 Agility (AG) 12 Size (SZ) 5 Physical Fitness (PF) 11 Mental Strength (MST) 9 Perception (PEC) 17 Education (EDU) 2 Hit-points: 7
Drive carriage 10 Set/Handle Traps 10 Stalk 12 Listen 15 Track 12 Spot hidden 15 Detect danger 12 Navigate 10 Bargain 10 Zoology (bugs) 5 High-tech firearms: Pistol 12
A 22mm automatic pistol - 8 rounds in the magazine. You have 20 bullets in your pocket.
A knife
A hip flask made out of tin
10 Crowns in small coins
Purchased Equipment (total of 40 Cr, 360 Cr left):
Flint and steel (10 Cr)
Lantern (20 Cr)
Weeks worth of food supplies (10 Cr)
Mutated Terrier mutt
Quote: "They say I cant smell worth a darn... but I can hear, I tell you. I hear those vermin pattering through their tunnels... imagining theyre safe from me..."
He is not quite 3 feet tall. His wiry body seems tireless and he gets very restless when inactive (unless he's able to fall asleep). His light brown coat is streaked with brown and gray. He has the typical small face and narrow snout of a terrier breed and he's missing a couple of front teeth. The hair on his face is short and fine, but turns into an unmanageable mane at his neck. His pelt starts to tame down some further down his back, but his tail is very bushy except for the very end, where it ends in a very short hairless nub. This nub is a constant embarrassment to him and he attempts to keep the hair at the end of his tail combed over the bald spot. His voice is naturally high pitched, but even more so when hes excited about something. His sense of smell is not very good (more like that of an average human), but his hearing is excellent, extending into higher (and lower) frequencies than most normal dogs can hear.
He likes to wear small cloth or leather jackets (either scrounging for ones made for human children or finding someone to custom tailor a jacket for him) but he doesnt care for any other article of clothing. He does wear boots though, especially in poor weather and the rarity of boots that fit means he guards them jealously.
He was born 28 years ago in a small village near Karlsta as part of a litter of five. His family was poor, and he was sent out to fend for himself at an early age. Now he usually ends up the poorer side of town, as a part of the working class. He is a generally honest, law-abiding mutant, but his treatment by the NM-humans makes him try to challenge or ignore their rules and laws if he has the chance.
His most regular employment is as a pest-control assistant, his small size making him an asset when cleansing infested buildings. He carries a modified revolver (equivalent to a .22 caliber pistol) with a hand-made stock (resembling a rifle to him) to deal with the vermin too large for poison or knives.
He doesn't get along well with most other mutants, especially if they are doggish. He does have some mutant human friends and is a sucker for any cute female cat-mutant. Part of his unfriendly temperament goes back to his younger years when he fell for a beautiful brown female dog-mutant. She was twice his size and didn't feel he was the dog-mutant for her - and she let him know it.
He likes to eat most any type of meat and has a taste for carrots that he claims he got his uncle Rossta, who he says was a rabbit-mutant. In a pinch, though, hell eat most anything.
Lately he's been styling himself as a adventurous scout-to-be, willing to lead an expedition to discover artifacts from the Old Ones. Whether he would be any good as a scout is yet to be seen, since no one he has mentioned this to has seriously considered his offer.